"Ephesians Truth"

The Differentiator
Vol. 23 New Series December, 1961 No. 6

Not long ago someone pointed out that very little is said in "The Differentiator" about what he called "Ephesians truth." The later issues of "Things to Come" and the earlier issues of "The Berean Expositor" some forty years ago were cited, and this was made the basis of a suggestion that in some way our ministry is therefore inferior in quality.

This notion is based on a misunderstanding, the idea that Ephesians exists detached from the Scriptures that were written before it. This is the very notion that my first contributions to "The Differentiator" were written to dispel. Paul's Epistles form a unity, and any attempt to split them between two "dispensations" can only spoil them.

The reason why I have said comparatively little about the truths specially set out in the Prison Epistles is that I have had plenty to do in clearing and repairing the foundations. It is no use to live in cloud-castles. However celestial our standing may be, we have got to keep in mind that it is solidly based on terrestrial history and truths revealed to us on earth. That is why I am so strongly opposed to the "Acts 28:28 frontier" teachings which involve putting such stress on so-called "Ephesians truth." The exponents of these ideas are like men who have climbed up on to a roof by a ladder, and then kicked it away. Everything they teach about "Ephesians truth" is vitiated by the unsound assumptions beneath and behind it.

The trouble with these men's attempts to dwell in "Ephesians truth" is the same as that with people who regard material things and the resurrection of the body as "unspiritual." They are, in actual fact, attempting to be more "spiritual" than God Himself. If the Word did not shrink from becoming flesh, we most certainly ought not to assume a disdainful superiority over material things as the soi-disant "spiritual" folk do. It is most strange that people who admit that the Secret of Ephesians 3:6-12 is through the Evangel of which Paul became dispenser, nevertheless in practise treat the Evangel almost as something beneath notice. The chief exponent of the "Acts 28:28 frontier" theory found himself forced after all to build his "Ephesian temple" with "Roman stones"; but Romans is not a ruin to be disposed of in such a way. It is an integral part of the superb edifice of which the Prison Epistles are the completion. It is not as if any of us fully understood the Evangel. None of us do, least of all those who in practise are so ready to put much of it away into a past "dispensation." If we did, we would not want to leave it out of reckoning; we would instead want to study its manifold relations with the glories founded upon it. Realisation of these facts makes me exceedingly cautious about accepting anything at all set out by these expositors concerning the Prison Epistles; not that it is necessarily wrong, but because it is based on a false general view of Scripture. If ever I am permitted to come to these matters in The Differentiator, I shall endeavour to do So with a fresh mind.


Listing of Articles

A Critic of "Fundamentalism"
A Further Examination of Prophecy
A Note on "Far Above All"
A Reckless Assertion
A Re-examination of I Thessalonians 1:10
According To
Acts and I Thessalonians
Acts as History
Acts Misunderstood
Acts 3:19-21
"All" and "The All"
An Explanation
Are You Saved?
Baptism: Supplementary Comments
Book Review: "Sorting Prophetic Material"
Christian Love
Confusion about Paul's Ministry
Confusion about the "Church"
Covenant and the Lordly Supper
Dating the Gospels
Dispensational Truth
Dr. Bullinger and Mr. Welch
Editorial on the Book of James
Editorial: The Tradition
"Ephesians Truth"
Ephesians 1:1-12
Ephesians 2:11-18
Faith and Truth
First Things First
Flesh and Blood
For Us and About Us
Forgiveness of Sins
Forgiveness without Repentance
Further Consideration of Repentance
Further Problems about Prophecy
Further Remarks about Prophecy
God's Dispensations are Permament
Guidance in Scripture
In Part
Israel's History in Scripture
James and Righteousness
James, the Lord's Brother
Jew and Greek
Journeys to Jerusalem
Luke 23:43
Made Righteous
Mark 7:19
A Note on Matthew 28:19
More about the Olive Allegory
Of All
One Body
On the Meaning of "Ta Panta"
Our Celestial Destiny
Our Special Dilemma
Peace and Security?
Predestination or Freedom?
Prophecy in Acts
Romans 11:25
II Timothy 4:2
Some more Errors about Prophecy
Spheres of Blessing
Spiritual Experience
Studies in God's Evangel Part 1
Studies in God's Evangel Part 2
Studies in God's Evangel Part 3
Success or Victory
The Apostles
The Apostle Paul's Commission
The Apostle Paul's Evangel to the Jews
The Apostle Paul and Acts
The Ascension and the "Modern Mind"
The Assault on James
The Basis of Fellowship
The Beginning may be Nigh
The Body of the Christ and Christ's Body
The Character of the Kingdom
The Christian Dilemma
The Church of God
The Crisis of Matthew 13
The Dating of Paul's Epistles
"The Dispensational Keystone"
The Doctrine of Grace
The Doctrine of the Incarnation
"The End of the World"
The Enemy within the Gate
The Faith
"The Fall" and "The Two Natures"
The Finality of the Thessalonian Epistles
The First Christians
"The First Christians" - A Correction
The Fulfillment of Isaiah 6: 9, 10
The Gospels Part 1
The Gospels Part 2
The Gospels Part 3
The Greek Preposition Part 1
The Greek Preposition Part 2
The Greek Scriptures Part 1
The Greek Scriptures Part 2
The Greek Scriptures Part 3
The Greek Scriptures Part 4
The Greek Scriptures Part 5
The Greek Scriptures Part 6
The Interpretation of the Thessalonian Epistles
The Kingdom - A Query
The Late Charles H. Welch
The Mature and the Perfect
"The Mystery": A Review
The Necessity for Repentance
"The New English Bible"
The Next Stage of the Kingdom
The Purpose of Acts
The Return of the Saving Work of God to Israel
The Right Question
The Roman Jews
The Secret of Romans 11:25-27
The Seventy Sevens and Ourselves
The Soulish and the Spiritual
"The Study of Human Destiny"
The Supposed Dispensational Frontier
The Teaching of J.J.B. Coles
The Trumpet of God
Theology as a Science
The Study of Prophecy
The Truth about "Dispensational Truth"
The Unity of God's Evangel
This Generation
Time and Eternity
To Israel as a Nation
Unsound Words
What is Apostasy?
What Should We Do?
When and Why were the Gospels Written?
Wilful Blindness
Wine in the Lord's Supper


The Differentiator Revisited 2013

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